Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

These general terms and conditions apply to all offers, quotations and agreements regarding the city games and activities organized by Urban Legends City Quest (hereinafter: ULCQ), located at Wijdesteeg 3G, 1012RN in Amsterdam.

Article 1: Definitions

1.1 In these general terms and conditions, the following terms are used in the following meaning, unless expressly stated otherwise: ULCQ: the employees of ULCQ as well as the company located in Amsterdam (Chamber of Commerce number 76179591); – customer: the other party of ULCQ, for whom ULCQ organizes an outing, acting in the exercise of a profession or business or as a private person; – participant: natural person belonging to the customer's group. – outing: the arrangement and/or activity(s) offered by ULCQ to the customer.


Article 2: Conclusion of the agreement

2.1 An agreement is concluded if the customer makes a reservation via the website or has verbally (also by telephone) informed (the employees of) ULCQ that he wishes to make a definitive booking. As a result, the customer enters into an oral agreement. In addition, an agreement is concluded if the customer sends an email to ULCQ in which he/she indicates that he/she wishes to make a definitive booking (booking is equivalent to making a reservation).

2.2 The person who enters into the agreement on behalf of or for the benefit of the group (the customer) is jointly and severally liable for all obligations arising from this agreement.

2.3 No cancellation will take place if you (the customer) do not sign the confirmation, or if you do not pay on time.

Article 3: Execution of the agreement

3.1 ULCQ will execute the agreement to the best of its knowledge and ability and in accordance with the requirements of good workmanship.

3.2 Only when necessary, ULCQ has the right to have certain work carried out by third parties.

3.3 The customer ensures that all information that ULCQ indicates is necessary or of which the customer should reasonably understand that it is necessary for the execution of the agreement, is provided to ULCQ in a timely manner. If the information required for the execution of the agreement has not been provided to ULCQ in a timely manner, ULCQ has the right to suspend the execution of the agreement and/or charge the customer a cancellation fee.

3.4 ULCQ is not liable for damage of any nature whatsoever when ULCQ relied on incorrect and/or incomplete information provided by the customer, unless ULCQ should have been aware of this incorrectness or incompleteness.

3.5 The customer indemnifies ULCQ against any claims from third parties who suffer damage in connection with the execution of the agreement and which is attributable to the customer.

Article 4: Payment

4.1 Payment of the expected total amount of the activity must be made in full before the date of the activity, unless otherwise agreed (in writing). This can be done in cash on the day itself, via ideal or by bank transfer in advance. 

4.2 Failure to pay on time or failure to sign the confirmation does not lead to cancellation of the booking.

4.3 After the activity has taken place, the customer may receive a final invoice. This payment must be made within 8 days of receiving the invoice.

4.4 If the customer is in default or fails to fulfill one or more of his obligations, all reasonable costs incurred in obtaining payment out of court will be borne by the customer. If the customer fails to pay the total amount on time, he will forfeit an immediately payable fine of 15% on the amount still owed. This with a minimum of €50.00.

4.5 If ULCQ has incurred higher costs that were reasonably necessary, these are also eligible for reimbursement.

4.6 Any reasonable legal and enforcement costs incurred will also be borne by the customer.

4.7 Customer owes interest on the collection costs.

Article 5: Reservation amount

5.1 The published reservation price includes all matters described in the activity, unless stated otherwise.

5.2 ULCQ charges transaction costs for every reservation via ULCQ.

5.3 The reservation price does not include: a. Transport by coach, unless otherwise agreed in writing; b. The costs of travel luggage, travel accident, health and cancellation insurance; c. Any additional costs for extra drinks and materials used.

5.4 Unless stated otherwise, prices are per person.

5.5 The published prices are based on the prices and conditions as they were known when the program was drawn up. ULCQ reserves the right to change the price before the booking is made if there is reason to do so due to price increases from third parties, including the applicable VAT regulations.

Article 6: Changes by the participant(s)

6.1 The reservation can be changed by the customer in consultation with ULCQ if and insofar as this is possible. When deducting the number of participants, the cancellation conditions apply to those numbers (see article 7).

Article 7: Cancellations

7.1 If a reservation is canceled or changed, the following costs will be charged per reservation, unless otherwise agreed:

A. Cancellation > 1 days before the intended time: 0 euros per activity.

B. Cancellation < 1 days before the intended time 100% of the booking costs.

7.2 Cancellations must be made in writing by email or post and must be dated.

7.3 Reductions in the number of participants can be communicated to us up to 24 hours in advance. If the number of persons is reduced, ULCQ has the right to adjust the price per person.

7.4 You must take out cancellation insurance with your own insurer.

7.5 In case of complete cancellation, cancellation costs will be charged, with administration costs being waived.

Article 8: Cancellation of the program/changes

8.1 Only ULCQ reserves the right to make changes to the program if there are valid reasons for doing so that make activities irresponsible, or if changes are made by authorities.

8.2 If, due to circumstances, ULCQ decides that the program will not continue or that changes will be made, ULCQ undertakes to immediately notify the customer.

8.3 If ULCQ decides not to allow (parts of) a program to proceed, ULCQ undertakes to issue a voucher (validity period 12 months) for the value of (parts of) the program in question, so that (parts of) the program can take place and continue on another date.

Article 9: Complaints

Despite all efforts and concerns, it is still possible that the customer believes he has a justified complaint. This complaint must be submitted to ULCQ immediately or, if possible, on the first working day after the activity. If a timely submission of a complaint is not possible, or if the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved, it must be submitted in writing and with reasons to ULCQ within one week at the latest. For complaints submitted after this period, ULCQ reserves the right to declare them inadmissible.

Article 10: Liability

10.1 If ULCQ is liable for direct damage, then that liability is limited to a maximum of the total amount of the activity.

10.2 ULCQ accepts no liability for damage resulting from death, injury, accidents, injury, loss or theft caused to or by the participant(s) during or as a result of the outing. ULCQ is never liable for indirect damage, including consequential damage, lost profits, missed savings and damage due to business stagnation.

10.3 ULCQ accepts no liability for costs already incurred by the customer such as insurance premiums if an outing cannot take place.

10.4 If and insofar as payment is not made on time, the customer is in default without any notice of default being required.

10.5 If the customer is in default, he must reimburse all costs incurred in collection, both judicial and extrajudicial.

10.6 Loss and/or damage caused by the participant(s)' use of materials from ULCQ or materials from third parties will be charged to the customer.

Article 11: Start and end time

The start and end time of the activity is recorded in the order confirmation. If the activity needs to be adjusted due to the group not being on time, ULCQ will charge any additional costs to the customer.

Article 12: Suspension and dissolution

12.1 ULCQ is entitled to suspend the fulfillment of the obligations or to terminate the agreement if: - the customer does not or does not fully fulfill the obligations under the agreement. – circumstances that come to ULCQ's attention after concluding the agreement give good reason to fear that the customer will not fulfill the obligations. – when concluding the agreement, the customer has been requested to provide security for the fulfillment of his obligations under the agreement and this security is not provided or is insufficient. As soon as security has been provided, the authority to suspend expires, unless this has unreasonably delayed payment.

12.2 Furthermore, ULCQ is entitled to dissolve the agreement if circumstances arise that are of such a nature that compliance with the agreement is impossible or can no longer be required according to standards of reasonableness and fairness, or if other circumstances arise of such a nature. that unchanged maintenance of the agreement cannot reasonably be expected.

12.3 If the agreement is dissolved, ULCQ's claims on the customer are immediately due and payable. If ULCQ suspends the fulfillment of its obligations, it retains its claims under the law and the agreement.

12.4 ULCQ always reserves the right to claim damages.

Article 13: Force majeure

13.1 ULCQ is not obliged to fulfill any obligation if it and/or the other party are prevented from doing so as a result of a circumstance that cannot be attributed to fault, and neither by law, a legal act or generally accepted views. their bill.

13.2 In these general terms and conditions, force majeure means, in addition to what is understood in law and case law, all external causes, foreseen or unforeseen, over which ULCQ has no influence, but as a result of which ULCQ is unable to fulfill its obligations . This includes strikes in the ULCQ company.

13.3 ULCQ also has the right to invoke force majeure if the circumstance that prevents (further) compliance occurs after ULCQ should have fulfilled its obligation.

13.4 ULCQ may suspend the obligations under the agreement during the period that the force majeure continues. If this period lasts longer than two months, ULCQ is entitled to terminate the agreement, without obligation to compensate the other party for damages.

Article 14: Disputes

14.1 The judge in the place of business of ULCQ has exclusive jurisdiction to hear disputes, unless the subdistrict court has jurisdiction. Nevertheless, ULCQ has the right to submit the dispute to the competent court according to the law.

14.2 The parties will only appeal to the court after they have made every effort to settle a dispute by mutual agreement.

Article 15: Applicable law

15.1 Dutch law applies to every agreement between UlCQ and the customer. The Vienna Sales Convention is expressly excluded.

Article 16: Amendment, explanation and location of the conditions

16.1 These general terms and conditions have been filed at the office of the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam.

16.2 In the event of an explanation of the content and scope of these general terms and conditions, the Dutch text is always decisive.

16.3 The most recently filed version or the version that applied at the time the agreement was concluded always applies.

16.4 The general terms and conditions will be sent upon request.

16.5 The general terms and conditions are stated on the website www.ulcq.nl and www.urbanlegendscityquest.com